Tom Lee Music Academy - Yamaha Music Program FAQ

FAQ, by parents, about children learning music

  1. Why do children have to study in a group? Wouldn't they get more elaborate instructions from individual lessons?

    In group lessons, children become acquainted with music in an enjoyable atmosphere and they encourage each other in the acquisition of basic musical ability and techniques. Also, by playing ensemble with other students, they will be able to understand the overall music better and develop a social, cooperative attitude as well. Individual lessons become effective only after children have acquired the basic abilities and strong fingers and when they are ready for more advanced, higher technical studies.
  2. I don't have much knowledge of music, so I don't know how I should teach my child at home.

    It is not necessary to teach anything special at home. Just help your child review what was studied during the lesson every day and have fun together. There are materials for studying at home like "Workbook" and CDs. Also, playing an instrument or listening to music will help them get more interested in music. So, help your child to listen to a lot of good music. Music to listen to can be anything as long as it is enjoyable, but please don't play the music just as background music. It will be effective if people at home can enjoy music together.
  3. In Yamaha Junior Music Course, Portable Digital Keyboards are used for lessons. Should I buy a piano or an Digital Keyboards in the future?

    If you understand the position of the Do note, the way of playing the Digital Keyboard is basically the same as the piano. The difference is that with the piano you can enjoy the difference in the quality of sound according to how you touch the key and that with the Digital Keyboard you can enjoy various tones. At the level of the JMC, either instrument is suitable. Base your judgement on what you think your child wants to do in the future.
  4. My child is very shy. Would he be all right?

    Children who are very quiet and shy may have sensitive nerves. Although they are not particularly active, there is no need to worry as long as they listen to the music carefully. They will gradually start to open up once they become familiar with friends in the class and the parents become friends. However, it is important to enhance their confidence through singing and playing.
  5. We are not good at singing, and dislike singing in front of other people. Will our child have a problem?

    There are some people who have trouble finding the right pitch. However, by singing repeatedly, they will be able to sing with the correct pitch. Of course, there are children who are good at singing and those who are not. The development of singing ability differs for every child, which simply means that a child who is good at singing developed this ability earlier than others. At this stage, the important thing is not to be able to sing well but to enjoy music wholeheartedly.
  6. We only have a portable keyboard at home. Is it necessary to buy a piano in the future?

    Portable keyboards are OK until the child gets used to the keyboard. However, as the curriculum proceeds, the technical and musical level of the child will become higher, and the child will be able to enjoy various musical expressions. In that sense, it is better to buy a better quality instrument at an earlier stage.
  7. Why do parents have to accompany the child to the lessons?

    People tend to think that the only time to study is during lessons. However, children's musical abilities will develop through good coordination between class lessons and home studies, together with cooperation and encouragement from parents. When you come to the lessons, you will experience the enjoyable atmosphere of the class. Try to create this same enjoyable environment at home, too. Also, it is a good opportunity for you to observe your child outside your home.
  8. I feel that there is not much time to learn playing the instrument during the lessons.

    Yamaha's curriculum is based on the concept of Timely Education and teaches various elements according to the physical development of children so that they can learn things naturally. Children's hearing develops remarkably between the ages of 3 and 5. For example, 4-year-old children learn about 800 words a year, which is twice as much as 3-year-olds. The finger muscles on the other hand develop between the age of 6 and 8. Therefore, until the child reaches the age to be able to play with powerful musical expression, it is better to concentrate on singing and listening and to lay the foundation for being able to "feel" the music.