The Yamaha program is based on the 5 learning stages of children’s cognitive development: listen, sing, play, read and create. These different stages in children’s development will synchronize wit...
Young Musician Course (YMC1, YMC2, YMC3) Age 6 - 8 is a special course designed for your 5-7 years old children. Through singing, rhythm co-ordination, keyboard playing, children will start to appre...
The Junior Advanced Course (JAC1, JAC2, JAC3, JAC4) Age 8 - 10 is a four- year program of weekly group lessons designed for graduates of the Junior Music Course (Year 4) and /or the Young Musician Cou...
The Junior Advanced Course (JMC1, JMC2, JMC3, JMC4) Age 4 - 5 is a four- year program of weekly group lessons designed for graduates of the Junior Music Course (Year 4) and /or the Young Musician Cour...
Music Wonderland is a unique program designed to give your child the best opportunity to develop their basic music skills. At this age, the ear is at its peak of sensitivity, making this age bracket a...